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I am Sarah (SAHA), therapist in integrative therapy, specialized in energetics, ayurveda, psychology, marmatherapy, and Yoga teacher.

I offer an integrative therapeutic approach that combines energetics, Ayurveda, transpersonal psychology and magnetism. 

I offer different therapeutic sessions for you and your children, whether in office or remotely.

If you are wondering about the type of consultation to choose or if you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me. 

Energetics (care, lighting, psycho-energetic therapy)

  • You feel the need to take care of your overall health, emotionally, psychically and energetically.

  • You have decided to give yourself time to get to know yourself better, to undo old patterns or automatic, limiting thoughts, to regulate  your emotions (anxiety, anger, melancholy)

  • You are going through a difficult period (change of life, loss, new beginnings) and need to anchor yourself, to understand and to move forward in a direction with more serenity.

  • A phobia, blockages at different levels prevent you from moving forward as you wish

  • You feel that an energetic therapy is relevant for you, by its subtle and effective approach to the root of the evils.

  • You are skeptical and paradoxically very sensitive to energies, to your intuition.

La thérapie intégrative

  • Souhaiter aller mieux en comprenant son fonctionnement pour trouver sa voie

  • Se libérer des pensées limitantes, des mécanismes inconscients mis en place qui vous empêchent d'avancer

  • Travailler sur soi-même et sur ses émotions, que ce soit pour réguler l'anxiété, la colère ou la mélancolie.

  • Lors d'une période difficile, un changement de vie ou un deuil

  • Phobies ou des blocages qui empêchent d'être serein au quotidien....

Ayurveda (assessments and consultations)

  • You have small chronic sores (skin problems, recurrent cysts, digestive or hormonal problems, etc.) that are making your life difficult and that medication no longer relieves, you want to understand the cause and rebalance your body.

  • You are lost in the middle of an ocean of different recommendations on food and want to find your balance, without injunction, in the understanding of your being for lasting results and health.

  • Your mood changes a lot, your sleep badly and your transit is erratic, there is something behind it.

  • You want to lose weight but you no longer know how to do so much we are told everything and its reverse

  • Ayurveda arouses your interest with its universal approach and its accessible recommendations, simple to anchor in daily life.

Remote consultations available, regardless of your location

Whether you live in Drôme Provençale, whether in Valréas, Grillon, Grignan, Montségur-sur-Lauzon, Taulignan, Tulette, Visan, Nyons, Colonzelle, Richerenches or Valaurie, you can come and consult.

Contact me to make an appointment at the office.

See you soon ! Sarah

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